Taking Time For Yourself

I started meditating consistently a couple of months ago and yesterday I hit 65 days in a row! It’s been so helpful to have a reminder to slow down for a couple of minutes every day, take a moment for myself and connect with my breath. I don’t think I truly realized how depleted I was until I began to take this time to just be with myself. Here are some takeaways: 

  • I’m more aware of my breath in general. Instead of spacing out or scrolling on my phone when I’m exhausted and nursing I take the time to breathe. I feel more relaxed and more connected to my present moment. If I’m feeling anxious I really like box breathing! 

  • It has helped me create and commit to better boundaries when taking time for myself. Spending 10-20 minutes meditating has become a nonnegotiable and is something I really look forward to. 

  • It gives me time to check in with where I am and how I’m feeling on any given day… and not judge wherever that might be. Sometimes I feel really present in my body and mind, sometimes my mind is bouncing all around, either way is fine and only exists for that moment. 

  • My sleep overall has been better. I tend to have a pretty easy time falling asleep but staying but when I wake up in the night it’s hard for me to fall back asleep. I usually put on a podcast or read a book if I can’t fall asleep but that doesn’t usually help me actually fall back asleep as much as it keeps me out of my head. If I breathe and meditate instead I tend to fall asleep faster and feel more relaxed. 

I’m still pretty new to the practice of it all but I would highly recommend! I have Headspace which has made it super easy and I know there are a lot of other great tools out there. I would love to hear about what’s helping you take time for yourself! 

Xox, Celeste


Currently Reading: Think Again


Our First Trip Away